
Saturday 29 November 2014

Some extreme macro pics from my small garden

This insect was truly microscopic...
In between editing school concerts the last month, I have been stalking tiny insects in my garden using my Nikon D3100, SB 700 flash, a set of manual extension tubes and a 50mm Nikon A lens. It is amazing the diversity of insects that you can find if you look for them. There where quite a few awesome looking insects that flew away before I could even get off the first shot. This is the nature of stalking insects with a macro set up. It drives me to keep trying.I have found that shooting in live view mode and using a video loop has produced the best results.

Compound eyes are watching you..

A leaf hopper...

This larger fly let me take her portrait...

This fly has been though the wars...

This tiny ant was dragging a dead fly all over the place.

My macro set up....